Sunday, May 1, 2011

when you just have THAT feeling

Two Thursday's (4/21/11) ago I met this guy. He asked me to be his date to the Sigma Nu formal, took me out to dinner, and swept me off my feet. He left his phone in his super hot truck during dinner, he payed, he opened the door, our conversation was never forced, he wanted to know stuff about my family, he is one of those rare guys. Ya know, the kind you only see in the movies, and dream about. Its an indescribable feeling. Its how you see it in fictional relationships, they see each other, and instantly have a connection that only people who experience the feeling understand. It the best feeling but the worst all that the same time. Its the kinda feeling that you cant even describe to your best friend (and its a rear occasion, we can normally understand each other pretty well).

Could the palm reader be right?

She told me the next guy that I like will be worth it, she told me that he will be the guy I fall in love with, she told me he will be successful and set for life. The creepy thing is, he is already successful, and I think this is the guy thats worth it. When I met that stupid palm reader I blew everything that she said off... but now Im starting to think that was the best 5 bucks I have ever spent.

Loving life,
Lauren S.

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